What is a Supporting Vendor and how do I join?
Supporting Vendors or Member's Preferred Vendors are those businesses that offer our members discounts on their goods and services. Doing so creates incentives for membership sign-ups which in turn generates the necessary funds for HCI to continue our conservation efforts around the world. It's an easy, passive, and major way to support our conservation efforts without any upfront costs to you. As a thank you to our supporting businesses, we list your company logo with a direct link to your companies website or page on our Discount Directory page which can be seen here. Additionally, we will mention your company, with a logo on our growing social media platforms as well as in our member's newsletter. The discounts also create additional customer loyalty to those supporting businesses as prospective customers will be looking to use their membership for additional savings. It is a great win-win for conservation and participating businesses alike. Most companies opt for a straight 10% off with proof of membership. If a vendor wants to look up if a customer is a current member, all they need to do is click on our live updated membership database, which we can provide a link for upon request. Some companies prefer to do a discount code at the time of check out. This works too, just be sure to send us the code and make sure it doesn't have an expiration date.
All you need to do to become apart of our family of supporting companies is fill out the form below.
Any questions at all shoot us an email.
All you need to do to become apart of our family of supporting companies is fill out the form below.
Any questions at all shoot us an email.