PROJECT: Reproductive ecology of the diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) in the northern Gulf of Mexico

Project Introduction:
Iwo Gross's study is on "Reproductive ecology of the diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) in the northern Gulf of Mexico" which will help shed light on nest-site selection for Malaclemys terrapin.
This will ensure more impactful conservation measures in the future. Iwo will also investigate the genetic diversity of terrapin nesting aggregations, another key factor In in understanding these charismatic turtles better so we can help ensure their survival In the future.
Iwo Gross's study is on "Reproductive ecology of the diamond-backed terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) in the northern Gulf of Mexico" which will help shed light on nest-site selection for Malaclemys terrapin.
This will ensure more impactful conservation measures in the future. Iwo will also investigate the genetic diversity of terrapin nesting aggregations, another key factor In in understanding these charismatic turtles better so we can help ensure their survival In the future.